Equitable Services (IESP) Assistance

What are equitable (IESP) services?

  • If you live in New York City, and choose to enroll your child in a private or religious school, or choose to homeschool your child, and your child is found eligible for special education services, the IEP team will develop an Individualized Education Services Program (IESP). The IESP may include services such as Related Services, Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS), and/or transportation.

How do I submit a request for assistance implementing my child's IESP services for the 2024-2025 school year?

  • Requests will be accepted starting September 1, 2024 using the Equitable Services Request Form
  • The request form is also available for download. Completed forms and required documentation should be emailed to EquitableServicesAssistance@schools.nyc.gov
  • Requests for assistance should only be made if the parent notified NYCPS on or before June 1, 2024, that they wanted IESP services for a student for the 2024-2025 school year (or if the student was newly identified as a student with a disability after June 1 and the parent submitted a request within 30 days thereafter).
  • You can also request assistance via email at EquitableServicesAssistance@schools.nyc.gov

How do I request an enhanced rate if NYCPS has not implemented my child's IESP services and I can only find a provider who does not accept NYCPS's standard rate?

  • These types of issues are inappropriate for Due Process Complaints. Please submit a request using the process outlined below.
  • On or before September 1, 2024, a link to a web form for submitting requests will be posted on this webpage.
  • The parent or their representative will complete that web form to submit a request.
  • Requests for assistance should only be made if the parent notified NYCPS on or before June 1, 2024, that they wanted IESP services for the student for the 2024-2025 school year (or if the student was newly identified as a student with a disability after June 1st and the parent submitted a request within 30 days thereafter).
  • Requests submitted by parent attorneys and non-attorney advocates must include a completed, signed, dated and notarized confidentiality release confirming that the parent has authorized the representative to act on their behalf. Requests submitted without a valid release will be rejected. 
  • Form releases for attorneys and non-attorney advocates are available below.
  • If the request includes a request for an enhanced rate, then the requester will be required to upload:
    • An affidavit from the parent;
    • An affidavit from the provider; and
    • An affidavit from the service agency, if the provider is providing services through an agency
  • Requests without signed, dated, and notarized affidavits containing all required information will be rejected.
  • Form affidavits for enhanced rate requests are available below.
  • You will receive a response to your request within 60 days.
  • Before authorizing an enhanced rate, NYCPS will determine if a provider can work with your child at the standard rate at the child's school.
  • You can also request assistance via email at EquitableServicesAssistance@schools.nyc.gov (Note: Enhanced rate requests filed before September 1, 2024 will be considered too early.)

Enhanced Rate Request Affidavits

Confidentiality Release Forms

What if my child needs services but does not have an IESP?

Additional Information from New York State Education Department Regarding Equitable Services Rate Disputes

At their July 2024 meeting, the Board of Regents adopted as an emergency rule the proposed amendment of section 200.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education relating to special education due process hearings. The regulatory language was amended to clarify the types of disputes that fall outside the scope of the State entitlement to an impartial due process hearing.  This regulation clarified that equitable services rate disputes are not entitled to Due Process under section 200.5 of the Regulations.  Additional information and Frequently Asked Questions are available on the NYSED website at Impartial Hearing Requirements and Procedures | New York State Education Department (nysed.gov).